Dessert for breakfast?

You are throwing a birthday party or a celebration, but it happens to be a breakfast celebration. You need to have a desert that will resemble a cake. You can't have a birthday celebration without cake, so you need a cake for breakfast.

I know that you guys probably know that there is something exactly for this. A cake that can be used as a breakfast food is called a coffee cake. A coffee cake is a cake, but you can eat it with a glass of coffee. This makes it a perfect dessert for a breakfast celebration.

Surprisingly, I found myself in this situation the other day. We were going to celebrate a birthday, but breakfast was the only time that we could. We needed something to have as a dessert or just a treat because otherwise it would have not been a proper birthday party. My mom and I wanted to make a coffee cake, but didn't know what one to pick.

We tried to think of a coffee cake to make, but we thought that it may be easier to buy some from a local bakery that we like. That is when it struck my mom that she had a recipe that was perfect for what we were looking for.

My mom has this wooden box with a sliding lid that has note cards that have all the recipes that she has gotten from friends. The cards are all organized into sections like cake or meat. We found the recipe and it was called cranberry squares. My mom said that the recipe was perfect and that is was really good the times that she had done it before.
Cherry Squares

The recipe calls for frozen cranberries, but my mom substitutes that for frozen cherries. So I guess we were going to make cherry squares. 

The recipe was very easy to make and if you would like to see me make this recipe you can watch my IGTV video on Instagram. I filmed a little video of me making the recipe, and have it up on my Instagram. You can find this video @alainnblog. On there I post baking videos every Sunday, and photography post on Wednesdays.

The only issue with the recipe that I found was that our's did not need the same amount of time to bake. Our cherry squares were done about 15 minutes early. This could have been very bad because most people do not check their dessert very much before the timer goes off. The cake could have been easily burnt if I did not watch the cake that carefully. I do not know if the different fruits make a difference in that amount of time that the cake needs to bake, but the dessert was done quite a bit early based on the time that was on the recipe note card.

Otherwise, the recipe turned out great, It tasted so good and was one of the best coffee cakes that I have ever had. I could not stop eating them and probably ate almost all of the squares. I would totally make this recipe again, and totally use it for a breakfast celebration cake.

Comment down below if you would like me to make a post with this recipe and if you have ever had a breakfast celebration.

Katie 💚


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