Sticky dough and a thick glaze. Was the struggle worth it??

I have previously written a few baking posts, so I just wanted to make sure that you guys know that I will be expanding my types of posts in the next few posts.

Birthdays during this uncertain time can be hard. You can't have people over even though you would love to celebrate with them. It feels very strange to have a birthday where you can't really celebrate. My mom actually had her birthday during quarantine. My goal was to make her birthday as normal as it could be. We did this by planning a whole menu throughout the day with dishes that my mom liked or wanted to have. We had a big breakfast menu, tiny lunch menu of appetizers, and a big dinner menu.

This series will talk about most of the dishes that we made. I will not include all of the dishes because that would be a very long series, and would take away posting days for other content. I will be posting about the dishes that I thought were the best or the most unique dishes. I hope that you enjoy this series, and I plan on doing more series in coming posts.

This week I am going to be talking about a breakfast dish that we served. This dish is mixed berry scones. This recipe is a pioneer woman recipe. I was very excited to make these scones because I have never made scones, and I love fruit. I became a little less excited when the scones seemed impossible to make. The dough was very sticky, and it was very hard to handle even with a bunch of flour. I have to thank my mom for helping get the scones cut into equal triangles. The next hard thing was getting the glaze to the right consistency to be able to pour over the scone. Even though it took me a while to make, the scones turned out looking okay.

The scones tasted amazing, and I would totally recommend that you try these out. I know that they are time consuming and a little difficult to make, but if you have the time to make them, I would recommend that you try them out. I loved them so much and will totally make them again in the future. I ate like three a day because we had so many leftovers. As you will see as this series goes on, we had a lot of breakfast food. Also, a great thing about the scones is that you can make mini ones or big ones. We chose to do the minis ones, so you could have one without feeling stuffed.

I thought that these scones were a lovely treat, and I love baking with my mom. I know that my mom should not have been helping because it was her birthday, but we both really like baking together. Also, my mom loves to help out when she can. I also think that this dish is beautiful and could be a good picture on a food instagram.

Here is the link to the recipe...

Comment down below if you ever try these, and please let me know if you ran into any issues that I ran into. Also, let me know if you have any tricks to be able to fix the things that I struggled with. I will try to mention you on a social media post or on a new post of tips on this blog.

Katie 🍓


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